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中国 . 洁特生物



Jet BioFil

广州洁特生物过滤制品 www.jetbiofil.com
广州洁特生物过滤制品有限公司 成立于 2001 年,是加拿大杰特生化制品国际有限公司在中国专门从事实验室一次性塑料耗材中高端产品研发、生产分装和销售的高新技术公司。目前,公司产品已经发展到 26 大类 320 余种。产品主要以出口为主( >80 %),远销美国、加拿大、德国、澳大利亚、俄国、印度、日本及韩国等 40 多个国家,其中细胞培养板、细胞培养瓶、细胞培养皿、真空式与针头式过滤器、移液管、吸管及离心管等产品以优良的品质和极具竞争力的价格,受到广大客户的一致认可。 

公司拥有一批生物技术、高分子材料表面处理和模具锻造等领域的国内外著名专家,建有 3000 平方米的 10 万级净化车间,生产环境已达国际标准,配备了国际上最先进的高分子材料表面处理设备和注塑、挤塑、吹塑、拉伸、丝印等加工设备,已形成年产值 2000 万美元的生产能力。公司建立了严格的 QA/QC 质量管理和控制系统,通过了 ISO9001: 2000 质量管理体系认证,保证了产品质量。

 JET·美国:1551 South Scottsdale Court Suite 200, Elgin IL, 60123 
Tel: 847-622-0456 E-mail: pkne007@aol.com
JET·日本:32-206 Mibuaiai-cho, Nakagyo-ku Kyoto-city, Kyoto 604-8812 
Tel:+81-75-334-6282 Fax:+81-75-822-2194 E-mail:info@jbf-japan.com 
Tel:020-82001695 Fax:020-82226402 E-mail: james@jetbiofil.com
Tel:021-50390489 Fax:021-50390489 E-mail:miranda@jetbiofil.com
Fax:010-58636403邮箱 E-mail:xhza@huizeao.com http://www.huizeao.com
JET·台湾: 高雄市三民区义德路5号
Tel: (07)380-6665 Fax: (07)385-1596

地址: 广州经济技术开发区友谊路173号
电话:020-82001695 31826372
E-mail:jetbiofil@jetbiofil.com jetyaojj@hotmail.com 

Guangzhou Jet Bio-Filtration Products, Co., Ltd. Is a enterprise invested by Canada Jet Bio-chemical Int’l., Inc. The company has found in 2001, is engaged in research, manufacturing, marketing and sales of laboratory consumable products. Up to now we have developed 26 series, totally 320 kinds of products. JET is well known for its broad variety of different kinds of products, such as Tissue culture plates, flasks and dishes, Vacuum and syringe driven filters, Serological and aspirating pipets, Centrifuge tubes and much more, giving our customer one stop shop privilege.
Our products are mainly exported(>80%) to oversea, such as USA, Canada, Germany, Australia, Israel, Russia, Indian, Japan, Koreas and so on. Our plastic injection, extrusion, blow molding, plastic stretching, silk-printing, assembling and packaging machine were operated in a total area of 3,000 square meters of 100,000 grade clean-room facility under ISO9001: 2000 quality management system; this allows us to meet the requirement of DNase/RNase-free and non-pyrogenic specialty. In addition, rigorous QA/QC system and lot No. system guarantee the products quality to the international standard and for quality traceability.