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美国 . UL认证



Underwriter Laboratories

UL  www.ul.com 
UL是美国保险商实验室(Underwriter Laboratories Inc.)的简写。UL 是全球优秀的独立安全科学公司,并拥有逾 118 年的历史。UL 在 100 多个国家雇佣超过 9000 名专业人士,并拥有五个独立的业务部门-产品安全部、环境部、生命及健康部、知识服务部和验证服务部-以满足我们客户不断扩大的需求及履行我们的公共安全使命。
UL提供认证、检验、测试、验货、审核,咨询和培训等服务,我们的知识与专长能够帮助客户从容应对日趋复杂的供应链难题 - 从法律法规,到贸易挑战和市场准入。
我们五大独特的业务单元 — 产品安全、检测服务、生命及医疗健康科学、培训咨询服务及绿色环保认证,致力于不断延伸专业领域及服务范围,进而在瞬息万变的市场环境中,提供安全领域的整体解决方案。

客户服务热线: 0512-68086400
UL 上海检测服务实验室
UL 深圳检测服务实验室
UL 广州南沙检测服务中心
UL 苏州产品安全实验室
UL 广州产品安全实验室

UL (Underwriters Laboratories) is a safety consulting and certification company headquartered in Northbrook, Illinois. It maintains offices in 46 countries. UL was established in 1894 and has participated in the safety analysis of many of the last century's new technologies, most notably the public adoption of electricity and the drafting of safety standards for electrical devices and components.[citation needed]
UL provides safety-related certification, validation, testing, inspection, auditing, advising and training services to a wide range of clients, including manufacturers, retailers, policymakers, regulators, service companies, and consumers.
UL is one of several companies approved to perform safety testing by the US federal agency Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). OSHA maintains a list of approved testing laboratories, which are known as Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratories.